Sooto Love Story
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Tau & Kay Sooto 10-10-09

You all know why we are here today, but you may not know just how we came to be here. For Tau & Kay, this is their love story.

Tau and Kay were thousands of miles apart and they’d never even met. With a limited range on that little bow and arrow, Cupid had his job cut out for him trying to put these two soul mates together. But God was on his side and in May of last year, 2008, he found a way. He disguised himself as the Instant Messenger icon on the internet dating site Christian but he had to work fast and be creative because Kay was only in it for the ten-day free trial and Tau hadn’t posted any pictures.

Kay didn’t really expect to meet anybody, so instead of ruminating over which photos were the most flattering or posting glamour shots, she posted a picture of herself sitting on a Camel in Jordan and another of her helping orphans. These made more of an impression on Tau and the next week he found himself asking, “Where’s that girl with the camel?”

They began conversing via the internet. Young people take note – these weren’t highly abbreviated two-line text messages, they were full length dissertations filled with intense questions. Tau even apologized for sending such a long first email to Kay and another email included his whole essay on a “Good Christian Marriage.” Within the first few emails they had determined what they wanted out of the relationship.

It was finally time for their first date. Kay put her face on and scrutinized her wardrobe. Tau rushed home from his golf game and chose a sporty red shirt. Hurry, it’s almost that time! Monitors on, speakers enabled, and there they are, on a cyber-date! They talked about families, relationship priorities,  and at one point the line was thrown out, “Quick, without thinking, what are the first four things that are important to you in a marriage?” It was not unlike sitting across the table from each other on a regular date except that after three hours, there was still no bus boy standing by impatiently.

Through their many conversations, they discovered their mutual love for the Lord and complementary ideals. And trust. Yes, you can find the right person, if you look in the right place on the internet. That trust led to a first meeting straight out of a romance novel. Kay scanned the airport concourse. From a distance, a lone gentleman’s eyes caught hers. They started walking toward each other, then walking faster, then bags hit the floor and both were running to each other. Their physical beings met at the lips with a mutually planted kiss, just like in the movies, and it felt perfectly natural. After a couple of delayed flights failed to get Tau on the mainland at a reasonable time, he and Kay found their location choices limited at that time of night. Their official "in-person" first date? Denny’s!

Through battery depleting phone conversations, written volumes transferred via the internet and treasured visits after frequent flights through the friendly skies, Tau and Kay fell in love with each other’s unique set of qualities. Tau found Kay to be caring, loving, compassionate and intellectually stimulating. Kay described Tau as sociable, confident, considerate, and a very romantic true gentleman. Together they discovered that a conversation topic could be anything, each describing the other as easy to talk to. They each have a lengthy list of attributes they love about each other and all of the qualities are at the top in the favorites section. Most importantly, they each fulfilled the first prerequisite, a deep and sincere love for the Lord. Two individuals who had their lives basically together had now found the single missing piece to the puzzle – and that was each other. A feeling of being finally complete, of wholeness, came over them.

Little did Kay know but the plane she boarded for Hawaii was a non-stop flight to “Happily Ever After.” Tau greeted her by placing a lei around her neck. They ran barefoot on the golf course and hiked waterfalls. They peered through the windows of their submarine at sharks, sea turtles, stingrays and sunken ships. While neither of them are big drinkers, they each indulged in a single, fruity, tourist-y drink complete with colorful umbrella. It was just enough to give them the giggles.

Tau had it planned all along. As they circled the island high above in a helicopter, he would pop the question. But something Tau hadn’t planned on – helicopters are loud. It wouldn’t be conducive to a romantic proposal. It was time to resort to Plan B.

The next opportunity was Saturday morning. It was Tau’s birthday. He set her down, explaining there was something he’d been meaning to ask her. Tau was nervous. From his pocket he produced a small hinged box. He told Kay how she was the person that brings wholeness to his life. Kay opened the box expecting the symbol of his life commitment, but Tau had ordered a second box, as the original was soiled. This one was empty. Thinking it was some sort of joke, Kay laughed. Well at least it put Tau at ease but he was now at Plan C.

It was sunset and they were at Sunset Beach, it doesn’t get any more romantic. “Would you come sit down?” Tau asked Kay as he began to tell her how much he loved her and that his desire is to spend the rest of his life with her. It’s for real this time as Kay opens the box to see the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen in her life. Tau slips it on her finger. Third time’s the charm!

Watching from a distance, Cupid sighs, takes the colorful little umbrella from his glass and tucks his laptop under his wing for the long flight home.

And that brings us to this day, when their closest friends and dearest family join together to laugh, to cry, to dance, to sing, to celebrate, and to share the life commitment they have made this day October 10th 2009…as this amazing relationship becomes an amazing marriage. Ladies and gentleman it is my honor to invite to the dance floor for their very first dance as husband and wife, California’s newest and happiest married couple,

Mr. and Mrs. Tau & Kay Sooto